Tuesday, May 8, 2012

VBScript Mid Function

The Mid function returns a specified number of characters from a string.
Tip: Use the Len function to determine the number of characters in a string.



Parameter Description
string Required. The string expression from which characters are returned
start Required. Specifies the starting position. If set to greater than the number of characters in string, it returns an empty string ("")
length Optional. The number of characters to return


Example 1

Return 1 character, starting at postion 1:
<script type="text/vbscript">

txt="This is a beautiful day!"


The output of the code above will be:
Example 2

Return 15 characters, starting at postion 1:
<script type="text/vbscript">

txt="This is a beautiful day!"


The output of the code above will be:
This is a beaut

Example 3

Return all characters, starting at postion 1:
<script type="text/vbscript">

txt="This is a beautiful day!"


The output of the code above will be:
This is a beautiful day!

Example 4

Return all characters, starting at postion 12:
<script type="text/vbscript">

txt="This is a beautiful day!"


The output of the code above will be:
eautiful day!

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