Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Usability testing checklist

Usability testing checklist::

1.      Checking the Logo and its location

2.      Font size needs to be same throughout the site

3.      Spelling and grammar used should be correct.

4.      Alignment and wrapping of data

5.      Mandatory fields should be marked with asterisk

6.      Success message need to come for all the operation

7.      Cancel option need to provide in all the forms and edit section of all the forms

8.      Check for delete confirmation pop up need to come for delete operation

9.      Tab sequence need to work for all the fields

10.  Check it at a time only one radio button is allowed

11.  List box values should be in the alphabetical (unless otherwise it is mentioned) order (with the exception of blank / none)

12.  List box should be scrollable if it contains more values

13.  If there is any Hyper link then it should work properly

14.  Text overlapping should not be there

15.  Options need to selected in radio button using keyboard

16.  Spaces between the text and the fields should be proper

17.  Check for the user message should show correctly in every section if no data is present in the site

18.  Help menu should be provided whenever necessary

19.  Is all the text in the Text Box selecting for double clicking of mouse?

20.  Cursor position as soon as it is launched

21.  Left and Right arrows move changing ON selection of radio button

22.  Left, Right, Up & Down arrows move changing focus in the check boxes

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