StdErr Property (WshScriptExec):
Exposes the stdin input stream of the Exec object.
WshScriptExec object.
Use the StdIn property to pass data to a process started using Exec.
The following code starts a batch file and waits for the user input prompt. After entering the needed data through the StdIn stream, the batch file will be able to complete.
Dim WshShell, oExec, input
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("test.bat")
input = ""
Do While True
If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
input = input & oExec.StdOut.Read(1)
If InStr(input, "Press any key") <> 0 Then Exit Do
End If
WScript.Sleep 100
oExec.StdIn.Write VbCrLf
Do While oExec.Status <> 1
WScript.Sleep 100
StdOut Property (WshScriptExec):
Exposes the write-only stdout output stream of the Exec object.
WshScriptExec object.
The StdOut property contains a read-only copy of any information the script may have sent to the standard output.
StdErr Property (WshScriptExec):
WshScriptExec object.
Use the StdErr property to retrieve data sent to the stderr stream from a process started with Exec.
The following code demonstrates the StdErr object by attempting to execute a non-existent command and displaying the results.
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("%comspec% /c dire")
Function ReadAllFromAny(oExec)
If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadAllFromAny = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
Exit Function
End If
If Not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadAllFromAny = "STDERR: " + oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
Exit Function
End If
ReadAllFromAny = -1
End Function
Dim allInput, tryCount
allInput = ""
tryCount = 0
Do While True
Dim input
input = ReadAllFromAny(oExec)
If -1 = input Then
If tryCount > 10 And oExec.Status = 1 Then
Exit Do
End If
tryCount = tryCount + 1
WScript.Sleep 100
allInput = allInput & input
tryCount = 0
End If
WScript.Echo allInput
Exposes the stdin input stream of the Exec object.
WshScriptExec object.
Use the StdIn property to pass data to a process started using Exec.
The following code starts a batch file and waits for the user input prompt. After entering the needed data through the StdIn stream, the batch file will be able to complete.
Dim WshShell, oExec, input
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("test.bat")
input = ""
Do While True
If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
input = input & oExec.StdOut.Read(1)
If InStr(input, "Press any key") <> 0 Then Exit Do
End If
WScript.Sleep 100
oExec.StdIn.Write VbCrLf
Do While oExec.Status <> 1
WScript.Sleep 100
StdOut Property (WshScriptExec):
Exposes the write-only stdout output stream of the Exec object.
WshScriptExec object.
The StdOut property contains a read-only copy of any information the script may have sent to the standard output.
StdErr Property (WshScriptExec):
WshScriptExec object.
Use the StdErr property to retrieve data sent to the stderr stream from a process started with Exec.
The following code demonstrates the StdErr object by attempting to execute a non-existent command and displaying the results.
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("%comspec% /c dire")
Function ReadAllFromAny(oExec)
If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadAllFromAny = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
Exit Function
End If
If Not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadAllFromAny = "STDERR: " + oExec.StdErr.ReadAll
Exit Function
End If
ReadAllFromAny = -1
End Function
Dim allInput, tryCount
allInput = ""
tryCount = 0
Do While True
Dim input
input = ReadAllFromAny(oExec)
If -1 = input Then
If tryCount > 10 And oExec.Status = 1 Then
Exit Do
End If
tryCount = tryCount + 1
WScript.Sleep 100
allInput = allInput & input
tryCount = 0
End If
WScript.Echo allInput
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